Source code for tamarco.core.logging.logging

import logging.config
import sys

from tamarco.core.patterns import Singleton
from tamarco.core.utils import check_connection_http_url
from .formatters.colored import ColoredFormatter
from .formatters.logstash import LogstashFormatterVersion1
from .formatters.syslog import SyslogFormatter

PROFILES = {"DEVELOP": {"loglevel": "DEBUG"}, "PRODUCTION": {"loglevel": "INFO"}, "TESTING": {"loglevel": "DEBUG"}}

[docs]class Logging(metaclass=Singleton): """Class that handles the configuration of the standard logging of python using the microservice settings.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Tamarco logging class with the available formatters.""" self.color_blind = False self.settings = None self.microservice_name = None self.deploy_name = None self.logging_config = { "version": 1, "formatters": { "detail": { "format": "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [(%(processName)s) " "%(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s" }, "colored": {"()": ColoredFormatter, "color_blind": self.color_blind}, "syslog_format": {"()": SyslogFormatter}, "logstash": {"()": LogstashFormatterVersion1}, }, "handlers": {}, "loggers": {}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def describe_static_settings(): """Describe all the settings as a dictionary keys and their values are a setting short description. These settings are the static settings needed by the class. Returns: dict: Settings and their description. """ return { "profile": "Profile of logging, it can be DEVELOP, TESTING or PRODUCTION", "elasticsearch": 'List of connections string of elasticsearch. Example: [""]', "redis": "Dictionary with the redis connection parameters: host, port, password", "logstash": "Logstash info connection: host and port", "http": "HTTP endpoint", "file_path": "File path where the logs are going to be stored", "stdout": "If true there is logging through stdout", }
[docs] @staticmethod def describe_dynamic_settings(): """Describe all the class dynamic settings. Returns: dict: Settings and their description. """ return {}
[docs] def configure_settings(self, settings): """Sets the settings object (a SettingsView(f"{ROOT_SETTINGS}.logging")). Args: settings (SettingsInterface): Settings object that have the logging settings. """ self.settings = settings
[docs] async def start(self, loggers, microservice_name, deploy_name, loop): """Configure the standard python logging, adding handlers and loggers that uses that handlers. Args: loggers (list): Names of the loggers you want to configure. microservice_name (str): Name of the microservice that will use the logging. deploy_name (str): Deploy name. loop: asyncio event loop. """ self.microservice_name = microservice_name self.deploy_name = deploy_name await self.__setup_handlers(loop=loop) await self.__setup_loggers(loggers) logging.config.dictConfig(self.logging_config) await self.__setup_watchers()
async def __setup_handlers(self, loop): """Configures the logging handlers needed by the loggers of the microservices. Args: loop: asyncio event loop. """ await self.__setup_stdout_handler() await self.__setup_file_handler() await self.__setup_redis_handler() await self.__setup_http_handler(loop) await self.__setup_logstash_handler() await self.__setup_elasticsearch_handler() async def __setup_stdout_handler(self): """Configures the stdout logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("stdout", True): self.logging_config["handlers"]["stdout"] = { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "colored", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "stream": sys.stdout, } async def __setup_file_handler(self): """Configures the file logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("file_path", False): self.logging_config["handlers"]["file"] = { "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "formatter": "syslog_format", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "filename": await self.settings.get("file_path"), "maxBytes": 10485760, # 10MB "backupCount": 100, "encoding": "utf8", } async def __setup_redis_handler(self): """Configures the redis logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("redis.enabled", False): self.logging_config["handlers"]["redis"] = { "class": "tamarco.core.logging.handlers.redis.AsyncRedisHandler", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "redis_conf": { "host": await self.settings.get(""), "password": await self.settings.get("redis.password"), "port": await self.settings.get("redis.port"), "ssl": await self.settings.get("redis.ssl"), }, "service_name": self.microservice_name, "deploy_name": self.deploy_name, } async def __setup_logstash_handler(self): """Configures the logstash logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("logstash.enabled", False): self.logging_config["handlers"]["logstash"] = { "class": "tamarco.core.logging.handlers.logstash.AsyncUDPLogstashHandler", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "host": await self.settings.get("", ""), "port": await self.settings.get("logstash.port", 5959), "fqdn": await self.settings.get("logstash.fqdn", False), "service_name": self.microservice_name, "deploy_name": self.deploy_name, "version": await self.settings.get("version", 1), } async def __setup_http_handler(self, loop): """Configures the HTTP logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("http.enabled", False): if await check_connection_http_url(url=await self.settings.get("http.url", ""), loop=loop): self.logging_config["handlers"]["http"] = { "class": "tamarco.core.logging.handlers.http.HTTPSHandler", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "url": await self.settings.get("http.url"), "user": await self.settings.get("http.user"), "password": await self.settings.get("http.password"), "max_time_seconds": await self.settings.get("http.max_time_seconds", 1), "max_records": await self.settings.get("http.max_records", 10), "service_name": self.microservice_name, "deploy_name": self.deploy_name, "loop": loop, } async def __setup_elasticsearch_handler(self): """Configures the Elasticsearch logging handler.""" if await self.settings.get("elasticsearch.enabled", False): self.logging_config["handlers"]["elasticsearch"] = { "class": "tamarco.core.logging.handlers.elasticsearch.AsyncElasticSearchHandler", "level": PROFILES[await self.settings.get("profile")]["loglevel"], "conn_strs": await self.settings.get(""), "service_name": self.microservice_name, "deploy_name": self.deploy_name, } async def __setup_loggers(self, loggers_names): """Configures all the loggers needed by the microservice adding to them the handlers. Args loggers_names (list): Names of the loggers you want to configure. """ profile = await self.settings.get("profile") for logger_name in loggers_names: logger = self.__create_logger(logger_name, PROFILES[profile]["loglevel"]) self.logging_config["loggers"].update(logger) def __create_logger(self, logger_name, level): """Configures the loggers (all enable handlers, level) for the logger `logger_name` with the logging level `level`. Args: logger_name (str): Logger name. level (str): Logging level. Returns: dict: Logging configuration, set with the handlers and the logging level. """ logger = {"handlers": [], "level": level, "propagate": False} if "stdout" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("stdout") print(f"Logging handler stdout configured for {logger_name}.") if "elasticsearch" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("elasticsearch") print(f"Logging handler elasticsearch configured for {logger_name}.") if "redis" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("redis") print(f"Logging handler redis logstash configured for {logger_name}.") if "http" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("http") print(f"Logging handler http configured for {logger_name}.") if "file" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("file") print(f"Logging handler file configured for {logger_name}.") if "logstash" in self.logging_config["handlers"]: logger["handlers"].append("logstash") print(f"Logging handler logstash configured for {logger_name}.") return {logger_name: logger} async def __setup_watchers(self): """Adds default watchers for the logging level. It adds the watcher to the system logging and the microservice logging. """ async def watcher_callback(key, setting): """ Callback when the watcher reports that the key `key` has changed in the etcd. Args: key (str): etcd key. setting (str): The setting value already formatted. """ await self.settings.update_internal_settings(key, setting) profile = await self.settings.get("profile") if profile in PROFILES.keys(): new_profile = PROFILES[profile]["loglevel"] self.logging_config["handlers"]["stdout"]["level"] = new_profile for logger in self.logging_config["loggers"].items(): logger[1]["level"] = new_profile logging.config.dictConfig(self.logging_config) await"profile", watcher_callback)